White Paper

Migrating Storage-Intensive Workloads to the Cloud

Make the Switch and Run I/O-Intensive Workloads on the Cloud

Most enterprises have successfully migrated their non-critical workloads to the public cloud, but have held back on making the switch for their critical workloads. Typically it’s because these workloads have high and variable I/O requirements. While native cloud storage solutions, AWS EBS, and Microsoft Azure managed disks are excellent storage solutions for less storage-intensive workloads, they have limitations for supporting high-I/O workloads.

Lightbits conducted a survey of storage professionals to gauge their experiences, expectations, and challenges for native cloud storage (see image below). This white paper documents the results of the survey and presents Lightbits as an alternative to native cloud storage that enables the migration of critical workloads to the cloud.

Bar chart comparing different storage challenges

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