Lightbits Labs’ Privacy Policy

June, 2020

This Privacy Policy describes Lightbits Labs Ltd.’s and its affiliates’ practices regarding the personal data collected or used through Lightbit’s websites, products and services.

Lightbits Labs Ltd., together with its affiliated companies (“Lightbits”, “we”, “our” or “us”), collects and uses certain Personal Data, and is committed to only use and share it in compliance with applicable data protection and privacy laws, and in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

This Privacy Policy applies to “Personal Data”, which means any data or information which relates to a living individual who can be identified from such data or any other data in Lightbit’s actual or expected possession.

This Policy concerns Personal Data collected, received or used via Lightbit’s websites referring to this Policy (collectively – “Websites”), via Lightbit’s products and services (collectively, “Solutions” or Solutions), and other data sources as described below.

You are not legally required to provide us with any Personal Data, but without it we will not be able to provide you with the full range or with the best experience of using our Websites or Solutions.

If you reside or are using the Solution (i) in a territory governed by privacy laws under which “consent” is the only or most appropriate legal basis for processing Personal Data (in general, or specifically with respect to the types of Personal Data you choose to share via the Service), your acceptance of this Privacy Policy will be deemed as your consent to the processing of your Personal Data for all purposes detailed in this Privacy Policy.

If you wish to revoke such consent, please contact us by email.

1. Non-Personal Data

We may collect non-identifiable and anonymous information (“Non-personal Information”). We are not aware of the identity of the User from which we have collected Non- Personal Information. Non-Personal Information is any unconcealed information which is available to us while Users are using the Service or the Website. Non-personal Information which is being gathered consists of technical information and behavioral information and which may include, the User’s Internet protocol (IP) address used to connect your computer to the Internet, your uniform resource locators (URL), operating system, type of browser, browser plug-in types and versions, screen resolution, Flash version, time zone setting, the User’s ‘clickstream’ on the Website and Services, the period of time the User visited a specific page on the Website or Service, methods used to browse away from a page.

2. Types of Personal Data

Lightbits collects four main types of data regarding the customers, visitors, users and end-users of Lightbits’ Websites and Solutions, as well as Lightbits’ potential customers, and any end-users of our customers’ systems utilizing Lightbits’ Solutions (to extent that you are any of such individuals, “you”):

1. Data received from you: such Personal Data includes any data or information you may provide which is identifiable to you (either in itself or due to the manner in which it was provided or the Data with which it was provided or generated), such as your name, company and position, contact details (such as business e-mails, phones and addresses), account login details (such as usernames and hashed passwords), as well as any free-form text you may choose to provide us. We may also receive from you additional information concerning your company or employer, such as their billing details, their business needs and preferences. To the extent that such information concerns a nonhuman entity, we do not regard it as “Personal Data” and this Privacy Policy shall not apply to it.

2. Data collected or generated about you: such Personal Data includes data and information concerning your usage of Lightbits’ Websites and Solutions, or usage of Lightbits’ customers’ systems (where such Data is collected using Lightbits Solutions). Such Data could include IP addresses, device, system and software details, cookies and similar tracking data, click-stream and usage logs, and similar data and information concerning log-in attempts, usage and use preferences regarding any of Lightbits’ Websites or Solutions.

3. Data provided by third parties: such Personal Data may include your name, company, position, contact details and professional experience, preferences and interests, as may be made available to us by our business partners, customers or service providers, such as the organizers of events that both you and Lightbits participated in, your employers or colleagues, LinkedIn and similar data services and sources.

3. Uses of Personal Data

We collect and use Personal Data for the following purposes and uses, in accordance with Lightbits legitimate interests and/or as necessary for the performance of our contracts and agreements, or negotiation thereof:

1. To facilitate, operate, and provide our Websites and Solutions;

2. To verify the identity and access privileges of our customers and their end users;

3. To further develop, customize and improve our Websites and Solutions, and to provide you with any such enhanced Websites and Solutions, as we put together and analyze all data available to us to maximize their relevance, effectiveness and quality;

4. To improve your user experience, e.g. by remembering data so that you will not have to re-enter it during your current or next visit to the Websites or Solutions;

5. To provide our customers and their users with customer assistance and technical support, and to diagnose or fix technical problems reported by our users or engineers;

6. To monitor and improve the effectiveness of our Websites and Solutions, and of our marketing efforts;

7. To be able to contact you with general and personalized service-related notices, surveys, informational materials and promotional messages;

8. To monitor aggregate metrics and create aggregated statistical data and other aggregated and/or inferred Non-personal Data, including anonymized and/or pseudonymized Personal Data, which we, our customers, users or business partners may use and disclose at our discretion;

9. To manage and assess risk, enhance our and our customers’ data security and fraud prevention capabilities, and help protect against error, fraud or any illegal or prohibited activity;

10. To act as permitted by, and to comply with, any legal or regulatory requirements;

11. With respect to Personal Data of our customers’ end-users, to act as instructed by the respective customer acting in its capacity of “Data Controller”, whereas we act in our capacity as “Data Processor” (as both such terms are commonly interpreted under EU data protection and privacy laws); and

12. To conduct any additional activities that may require the use of your Personal Data, for which we will request your specific approval.

4. Locations of Personal Data

Personal Data collected in accordance with this Privacy Policy may be maintained, processed and stored by Lightbits and our authorized affiliates and service providers (including our secured cloud storage providers) in the United States of America and in Israel, and might be accessed from other jurisdictions as necessary for the proper delivery or performance of our Websites and Solutions or as may be required by law.

Lightbits is mainly based in Israel and in the US. Israel is considered by the European Commission to be offering an adequate level of protection for the Personal Data of EU Member State residents.

While the data protection laws in the above jurisdictions may be different than the laws of your residence or location, please know that Lightbits, its affiliates and service providers that store or process your Personal Data on Lightbits’ behalf are each committed to keep it protected and secured, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and industry standards, regardless of any lesser legal requirements that may apply in their jurisdiction. We only store data on storage servers that are certified under the EU-US Privacy Shield.

5. With whom may we share Personal Data

Lightbits may share your Personal Data with third parties (or otherwise allow them access to it) only in the following manners and instances:

Sharing Personal Data with your organization or other users in your organization: We may share a user’s or end-user’s Personal Data with their affiliated organization, or the organization to which systems (powered by Lightbits Solutions) they attempted to access.

Third Party Services: Lightbits has partnered with a number of selected service providers, whose services and solutions complement, facilitate and enhance our own. These include hosting and server co-location services, data analytics services, data and cyber security services, e-mail distribution and monitoring services, remote access services, and our business, legal and financial advisors (collectively, “Third-Party Services”). Such Third-Party Services may receive or otherwise have access to your Personal Data, depending on each of their particular roles and purposes in facilitating and enhancing our Websites, Solutions and business, and may only use it for such purposes. Such disclosure or access is normally subject to the recipient’s undertaking of confidentiality obligations, and the prevention of any independent right to use this information by the recipients, except as required to help us provide our Websites and Solutions.

Governmental/Law Enforcement Agencies and Legal Requests or Duties: We may disclose or otherwise allow access to your Personal Data pursuant to a legal request, such as a subpoena, search warrant or court order, or in compliance with applicable laws, with or without notice to you, if we have a good faith belief that we are legally required to do so, or that disclosure is appropriate in connection with efforts to investigate, prevent, or take action regarding actual or suspected illegal activity, fraud, or other wrongdoing.

Protecting Rights and Safety: We may share your Personal Data with others, with or without notice to you, if we believe in good faith that this will help protect the rights, property or personal safety of Lightbits, any of our customers or users, our customers’ end-users, or any members of the general public.

Affiliated Companies: We may share Personal Data internally within our family of companies, for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. In addition, should Lightbits or any of its affiliates undergo any change in control, including by means of merger, acquisition or purchase of substantially all of its assets, your Personal Data may be shared with the parties involved in such event. If we believe that such change in control might materially affect your Personal Data then stored with us, we will notify you of this event and the choices you may have via e-mail and/or prominent notice on our Website or Services.

For the avoidance of doubt, Lightbits may share your Personal Data in additional manners, pursuant to your explicit approval, or if we are legally obligated to do so. Additionally, we may transfer, share or otherwise use Non-personal Data in our sole discretion and without the need for further approval.

6. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

Lightbits, together with its marketing, analytics and technology partners, uses certain monitoring and tracking technologies (such as cookies, beacons, pixels, tags and scripts). These technologies are used in order to maintain, provide and improve our Website on an ongoing basis, and in order to provide our customers and their users with a better experience (for instance in order to track Users’ preferences, to better secure our Services, to identify technical issues and to monitor and improve the overall performance of our Website).

Please note that Third Party Services placing cookies or utilizing other tracking technologies through our Services may have their own policies regarding how they collect and store information. Such practices are not covered by our Privacy Policy.

Cookies: In order for some of these technologies to work properly, a small data file (“cookie”) stored on your device. By default, we use several persistent cookies for purposes of session authentication, monitoring performance of our services and generally providing and improving our Site. For more information you can see third parties’ cookie listed on the browser or contact us and receive a list of cookies and third parties utilizing cookies.

If you want to delete or block any cookies, please refer to the help and support area on your internet browser for instructions on how to locate the file or directory that stores cookies (we store the cookies only on the designated place for cookies determined by your browser). Please note that deleting our cookies or disabling future cookies or tracking technologies may prevent you from accessing certain areas or features of our Site or may otherwise adversely affect your user experience.

The cookies used by the Website do not include any Personal Information about you, other than a random persistent identifier. The cookies are retained either for as long as your session with the Webiste exist or for a longer period of time but only for the time period required.

Beacons/Pixels: We and certain third-party Services may employ a software technology called Web Beacons/Web Bugs or Pixels which enables them and us to improve our Site by measuring effectiveness and performance. Beacons/Pixels are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies.

Some web browsers may transmit Do Not Track signals to websites with which the browser communicates, telling the site not to follow its online movements. Because of differences in how web browsers interpret this feature, it is not always clear whether users intend for these signals to be transmitted, or whether they are even aware of them. Therefore, we currently do not respond to such Do Not Track signals.

7. Communications from Lightbits

Service Communications: Lightbits may contact you with important information regarding our Websites and Solutions. For example, we may notify you (through any of the means available to us) of changes or updates to our Services, payment issues, service maintenance, etc. You will not be able to opt-out of receiving such service communications.

Promotional Communications: We may also notify you about new services, events, and special opportunities or other information we think you will find valuable. We will provide such notices through any of the contacts means available to us (e.g. phone, mobile or e-mail), through the Websites or Solutions, or through our marketing campaigns on any other sites or platforms.

If you wish not to receive such promotional communications, you may notify Lightbits by contacting us through the contact form at , or by following the “unsubscribe”, “change preferences” or “stop” instructions contained in the promotional communications you receive.

By providing us with your e-mail address or any other contact information (including without limitation through any form on our Website), you hereby agree (where such consent is applicable under applicable law), that we may contact you for the purpose of informing you regarding our products and services which may interest you, and in order to send to you other marketing material. You may withdraw your consent by sending us written notice by email or by pressing the “Unsubscribe” button contained in the promotional communications you receive. Please note that the Company may also contact you with important information regarding your use and interaction with our Solutions. For example, we may notify you (through any of the means available to us) of changes or updates to our Solutions, payment issues, service maintenance, etc. You will not be able to opt-out of receiving such service messages. Provision of any Solution or service is not contingent with your acceptance to receive any marketing communications unless explicitly agreed by you and subject to applicable law.

8. How Lightbits Safeguards Personal Data

In order to protect your Personal Data held with us and our Service Providers, we are using industry standard physical, procedural and electronic security measures, including encryption where deemed appropriate. However, please be aware that regardless of any security measures used, we cannot and do not guarantee the absolute protection and security of any Personal Data stored with us or with any third parties.

9. The rights and choices available to you regarding your Personal Data

If you wish to exercise your right to access, receive and/or request us to make corrections to your Personal Data that you have stored with us (either yours or your organization’s end-users), or to delete it, please contact us and we will respond within a reasonable timeframe and in accordance with applicable laws.

If you are a user or an end-user of a Lightbits customer organization, we recommend that you contact such organization’s administrator directly if you wish to access, correct, amend or delete inaccurate information processed by Lightbits on behalf of such customer.

Please note that once you contact us by e-mail, we may require additional information and documents, including certain Personal Data, in order to authenticate and validate your identity and to process your request. Such additional data will be then retained by us for legal purposes (e.g. so we have proof of the identity of the person submitting the request), in accordance with our data retention policy.

10. How long may Lightbits keep Personal Data?

We may retain your Personal Data for as long as your organization’s account with us is active or as reasonably necessary for us to provide or offer our Solutions to you and your organization. We may retain such Personal Data even after the organization or a particular user deactivates their account or cease to use our Websites and Solutions, as may be requested by their organization, and possibly longer as reasonably necessary to comply with our legal obligations, to resolve disputes regarding any of our customers, users or their end-users, prevent fraud and abuse, enforce our agreements and/or protect our legitimate interests.

11. General and Contact Details

Lightbits aims to process only adequate, accurate and relevant data limited to the needs and purposes for which it is gathered. It also aims to store data for the time period necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data is gathered. Lightbits only collects data in connection with a specific legitimate purpose, legal requirements or other predefined basis for processing and only processes data in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

E.U. citizens have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority (Data Protection Authority in your jurisdiction) in case of a breach of any E.U. data protection and privacy regulations. If the supervisory authority fails to deal with a complaint or inform you within the time frame set under applicable law, you have the right to an effective judicial remedy.

If you are a resident of California, California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits you to request information regarding the disclosure of your personal information by Lightbits to a third party for that party’s direct marketing purposes. This right granted to California residents applies only to their activities within the State of California. To make such a request, please contact us at:

Job applications -We may collect information provided to us by job candidates (“Applicants”) when they apply to a position in our great company. Lightbits welcomes all qualified Applicants to apply to any of the open positions by sending us their contact details and CV (“Applicants Information”). Applicants Information will be maintained, processed and stored in Israel and in the applied position’s location(s), and as necessary, in secured cloud storage provided by our Third-Party Services. We are committed to keep Applicants Information private and use it solely for our internal recruitment purposes (including for identifying Applicants, evaluating their applications, making hiring and employment decisions, background checks on Applicants and contacting Applicants by phone or in writing). Please note that Lightbits may retain Applicants Information submitted to it even after the applied position has been filled or closed so we can reconsider Applicants for other positions and opportunities and in case the Applicant is hired, for additional employment and business purposes related to his/her work. If you previously submitted your Applicants Information to Lightbits, and now wish to access it, update it or have it deleted, please contact us at: We will be happy to assist in any manner.

Minors – We do not knowingly collect, process or solicit information or data from children under the age of 18. If you are under 18, do not register or attempt to register for any of the Lightbits Service or send any information about yourself to us. If we learn that we have collected or have been sent Personal Information or Personal Data from a child under the age of 18, we reserve the right to delete that Personal Information or Personal Data as soon as reasonably practicable without any liability to Lightbits from any user. If you believe that we might have collected or been sent information from a minor under the age of 18, please contact us at:

Changes to the privacy policy-

The terms of this Privacy Policy will govern the use of the Service and any information collected in connection therewith, however, Lightbits may amend or update this Privacy Policy from time to time subject to applicable law. The most current version of this Privacy Policy will always be posted at: Unless otherwise agreed with our customer, we will endeavor to provide notice of material changes to this policy on the homepage of the website and (if applicable) via an e-mail.

Such material changes will take effect seven (7) days after such notice was provided on our website or sent by email. Otherwise, all other changes to this Privacy Policy are effective as of the stated “Effective Date” date and your continued use of Services will constitute your active acceptance of, and agreement to be bound by, the changes to the Privacy Policy.

For the purposes of European Economic Area data protection law, the data controller of the data processed through the Service is the customer who makes available and permits end users to access and use the Service or anyone on its behalf. For data retained through the website or data processed not through the Service (i.e. contact detailed of potential customers or resumes sent to us from potential employees for the purpose of engagement with Lightbits), Lightbits is the controller.

Questions, contact information and complaints

If you have any questions (or comments) concerning this Privacy Policy, you are welcome to contact us at and we will make an effort to reply within a reasonable timeframe and not more than within 30 business days.

About Lightbits Labs™

Today’s storage approaches were designed for enterprises and don’t meet developing cloud-scale infrastructure requirements. For instance, SAN is known for lacking performance and control. At scale, Direct-Attached SSDs (DAS) become too complicated for smooth operations, too costly, and suffer from inefficient SSD utilization.

Cloud-scale infrastructures require disaggregation of storage and compute, as evidenced by the top cloud giants’ transition from inefficient Direct-Attached SSD architecture to low-latency shared NVMe flash architecture.

Unlike other NVMe-oF approaches, the Lightbits NVMe/TCP cost-saving solution separates storage and compute without touching network infrastructure or data center clients.

The Lightbits team members were a key contributor to the NVMe standard and among the originators of NVMe over Fabrics (NVMe-oF). Now, Lightbits is crafting the new NVMe/TCP standard.

As the trailblazers in this field, the Lightbits solution is already successfully tested in industry-leading cloud data centers.

The company’s shared NVMe architecture provides efficient and robust disaggregation. With a transition that is so smooth, your applications teams won’t even notice the change. They can now go wild with better tail latency than local SSDs!

Finally, you can separate storage from compute without drama.

US Office
1830 The Alameda,
San Jose, CA 95126, USA

Israel (Kfar Saba) Office
17 Atir Yeda Street,
Kfar Saba, Israel 4464313

Israel (Haifa) Office
3 Habankim Street,
Haifa, Israel 3326115

The information in this document and any document referenced herein is provided for informational purposes only, is provided as is and with all faults and cannot be understood as substituting for customized service and information that might be developed by Lightbits labs ltd for a particular user based upon that user’s particular environment. Reliance upon this document and any document referenced herein is at the user’s own risk.

The software is provided “As is”, without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement. In no event shall the contributors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings with the software.

Unauthorized copying or distributing of included software files, via any medium is strictly prohibited.


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