Persistent Kubernetes Storage
from Lightbits

Cloud Native Storage for Kubernetes

Lightbits offers persistent Kubernetes storage via the Container Storage Interface (CSI) that extends the efficiency of containers to NVMe® flash while maintaining high application performance and portability. Because Lightbits maximizes the utility of NVMe flash it offers the best value for performance, scalability, and lower TCO. Unlike other block storage solutions, Kubernetes management is easier with one Lightbits cluster supporting hundreds of Kubernetes clusters.

Accelerate Stateful Apps with Simplified Kubernetes Storage

Most of the popular stateful applications [MongoDB, MySQL, Cassandra, Apache Kafka, Spark, etc.] benefit from local NVMe storage for low latency and high performance when deployed on bare metal. While utilizing local NVMe with Kubernetes Local Persistent Volume functionality meets the storage requirements for these applications, it breaks the benefits of Kubernetes container/application portability. And while many block storage solutions offer persistent volumes, they compromise application performance. Only Lightbits software-defined storage delivers the performance of Local Persistent Volumes while retaining pod autonomy and freedom from server physicality offering the high performance and low latency benefits of local NVMe SSDs, without compromising container portability.

Persistent Kubernetes Storage Without Compromise

Provision Storage

Provision Kubernetes storage as fast and dynamic as the containers it serves

Container Migration

Faster container migration between nodes for easier Kubernetes management


Provides high IOPs, low latency performance equivalent to local flash


Increases efficiency, flash endurance and scaling storage independently from compute


More uptime, increased SLAs–applications do not see drive failures and are able to migrate without full drive rebuilds

Software-Defined Storage for Kubernetes

Standard Servers, NICs and SSDs
Cloud Diagram Showing Software-Defined Storage for Kubernetes

Cloud Data Platform for Kubernetes

Learn more about how to leverage software-defined storage to get the portability of Kubernetes with the performance of local flash.