Get your hands on NVMe/TCP at Flash Memory Summit 2019

We’ve all been there. You go to a conference, you listen to some talks, you learn a few things. Maybe you apply them in your day to day work, maybe you forget about them. But it isn’t always like this. There are events that tend to stick with you. That time you met a good friend at the conference and had a blast together. That time you saw this really cool technology for the first time. That time you got your hands dirty with some new hardware and experienced the future for the first time, first hand.

Lightbits Labs is pleased to invite you to experience the future with NVMe/TCP at Flash Memory Summit 2019. NVMe/TCP is the newest edition to the NVMe over Fabrics family of standards. First presented by Lightbits Labs at Flash Memory Summit 2017, NVMe/TCP has come a long way since. It is now a fully ratified standard with support available in all major Linux operating systems and is expected to overtake iSCSI as the networked block storage protocol of choice. It is a key component of storage disaggregation, which all of the hyperscalers are doing. And at Flash Memory Summit 2019, you too can get your hands on NVMe/TCP for the first time.

Join the NVMe/TCP Hands-on Workshop

When: Monday, August 5, 1-5 p.m.
Where: Flash Memory Summit 2019, Santa Clara Convention Center
Session Ref #: Pre-conference Session Seminar E

At the pre-conference NVMe/TCP session on Monday August 5th at 1PM,  Lightbits architects will deliver a hands-on NVMe/TCP workshop. At the workshop you will be able to play with NVMe/TCP and the first production-grade NVMe/TCP-based software defined disaggregated storage solution, Lightbits LightOS.

You will learn how NVMe/TCP works, why we built it the way we did, and how to connect to remote NVMe/TCP storage servers and use them with applications. You will learn not just the theory of NVMe/TCP but also the practice of using it in a cloud data center.

Using LightOS storage servers at the Packet cloud environment, you will connect to virtual machines running on Packet, load NVMe/TCP support into your Linux kernel, mount NVMe/TCP block devices, and play with the environment to your heart’s content. The Lightbits team that invented NVMe/TCP and the world experts in deploying NVMe/TCP everywhere from home labs to cloud data centers will be on hand to answer your questions.

This is one of those opportunities that don’t come along often, to be on the ground floor of a major new trend. Space is limited, so don’t miss it — register now to join us at the workshop!

Register Now. Here’s How.

1. Visit Flash Memory Summit’s Event Site,
2. Click Pre-Register Now to open the registration form

3. Enter any promotion codes or skip to continue
4. Enter Your Registrant Information
5. Select Your Registrant Type “Full Conference 4 Days (Mon-Thu)” or  “Monday Pre-Conference Seminars Only”

6. Select The Afternoon Session, NVMe/TCP under the Monday Seminars

7. Continue with Demographics & Payment Information
8. Done!

About the Writer:

Co-Founder & Chief R&D Officer