Deploying Reliable High-Performance Block Storage with Lightbits

Software-defined, NVMe over TCP storage with clustering support

It is well known that hyperscale Cloud Services Providers (CSP’s) such as Facebook, Google, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) cracked the code of infrastructure efficiency because it was critical to their business. What’s less well known is how they achieved that level of hyper-efficiency without compromising on any of the following:

  • Performance, low latency, and scalability
  • Flexibility and efficiency of deployed storage
  • Easily adaptable to operate at cloud scale
  • Compatibility with existing data center infrastructure without having to rip out and replace

The above four criteria are core requirements of any cloud-native storage solution. The challenge is that building such a storage solution is a complex and daunting task due to the engineering talent required.

Download this whitepaper to learn how to overcome barriers and deploy a reliable high-performance block storage with Lightbits, software-defined, NVMe over TCP storage solution with clustering support.

Download the White Paper Now

Learn how to build a modern data platform with NVMe/TCP

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